Ancaman desa tenggelam di Demak Jawa Tengah
Category: editorial October 01, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A resident of Sriwulan village in Demak regency, Central Java, stares at a spot where the foundations of a house were inundated with seawater as a result of high rates of coastal erosion. Many houses in Demak’s coastal villages are threatened by the environmental problem.-JP/Donny Fernando/Adi/19
Seorang warga desa Sriwulan di Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah, menatap sebuah tempat di mana fondasi sebuah rumah terendam air akibat tingginya tingkat erosi pantai. Banyak desa-desa di pinggiran teluk di Demak terancam oleh masalah erosi pantai dan Penurunan Tanah. - JP/Donny Fernando/Adi/19