Pemilihan Ketua MPR
Category: editorial October 03, 2019. Credit: Seto WardhanaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Bambang Soesatyo from the Golkar faction greeted the chairman of the party Golkar Airlangga Hartanto after the election of the chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, October 3, 2019. Bambang Soesatyo became the Chair of the DPR in the 2019-2024 period after being elected by acclamation. -JP / Seto Wardhana / Adi / 19
Bambang Soesatyo dari fraksi Golkar menyaoa ketua umum partai golkar airlangga hartanto usai pemilihan ketua Majelis Permusyawarahan Rakyat di Gedung parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis, 3 Oktober 2019. Bambang Soesatyo menjadi Ketua DPR periode 2019-2024 setelah dipilih secara aklamasi. -JP/Seto Wardhana/Adi/19