Tuntutan Eks Dirut PLN
Category: editorial October 07, 2019. Credit: DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Chairman of the Panel of Judges, Yanto (center) presided over the trial with the agenda of reading the suit by the Public Prosecutor against the alleged bribery suspect of the Riau-1 PLTU project, Sofyan Basir at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Monday (10/07/2019). The former PLN president director was sentenced to five years in prison with a fine of Rp 200 million in a three-month prison sentence. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 19
Ketua Majelis Hakim, Yanto (tengah) memimpin persidangan dengan agenda pembacaan tuntutan oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum terhadap terdakwa dugaan suap proyek PLTU Riau-1, Sofyan Basir di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Jakarta, Senin (7/10/2019). Mantan Dirut PLN tersebut dituntut hukuman lima tahun penjara dengan denda Rp200 juta subsider tiga bulan penjara. -JP/Dhoni Setiawan/Adi/19