File: Terminal Petikemas Indonesia Terproduktif di Dunia
Category: editorial October 07, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Diamond Terminal Services Indonesia (BJTI) officers at the Tanjung Perak port of Surabaya, are in the process of loading and unloading domestic containers from the stacking field onto ships, Wednesday (26/11). PT BJTI set a record as the most productive domestic container terminal in the world, after reaching the handling process of 1 million TEUs in November 2014. A subsidiary of PT Pelindo 3 only has a 7.5-hectare container yard but on average one hectare container yard can handle 133 thousand teus. This achievement is almost equaled by Malta Freeport from Malta with the achievement of handling containers 125 thousand teus per hectare. Until now there has not been a single port in the world able to penetrate the handling of 1 million teus domestic containers. -JP / Wahyoe Boedhiwardhana / Adi / 19
Petugas Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia (BJTI) pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya, tengah melakukan proses bongkar muat peti kemas domestik dari lapangan penumpukan ke atas kapal laut, Rabu (26/11). PT BJTI mencatat rekor sebagai terminal petikemas domestik paling produktif di dunia, setelah mencapai proses handling 1 juta teus pada bulan November 2014. Anak perusahaan PT Pelindo 3 hanya memiliki container yard seluas 7,5 hektar namun rata-rata satu hektar container yard mampu menghandle 133 ribu teus. Prestasi ini nyaris disamai oleh Malta Freeport dari Malta dengan prestasi handling kontainer 125 ribu teus per hektar. Hingga saat ini belum ada satupun pelabuhan di dunia mampu menembus handling kontainer domestik 1 juta teus.-JP / Wahyoe Boedhiwardhana / Adi / 19