
Penuntasan Kasus Munir

Category: editorial October 16, 2019. Credit: Aman rochman


Students read the results of the TPF investigation, while participating in the reading of the Munir TPF Documents and the screening of the film held in contrast in Malang, East Java, Wednesday (16/10). the activity was to remind the community of the murder of human rights activist Munir. as well as forms of criticism and demanded that President Joko widodo resolve the Munir murder case and open the results of the TPF investigation to the public which he said had disappeared by the government. - JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19


Mahasiswa membacakan hasil penyelidikan TPF, saat mengikuti kegiatan pembacaan Dokumen TPF Munir dan pemutaran Film diadakan kontras di Malang, Jawa Timur, Rabu (16/10). kegiatan tersebut untuk mengingatkan kembali kepada masyarakat kasus pembunuhan aktivis HAM munir. serta bentuk kritik dan menuntut kepada presiden Joko widodo menyelesaikan kasus pembunuhan munir dan membuka hasil penyelidikan TPF kepada publik yang diyatakan menghilang oleh pemerintah. - JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/19


