Kerjasama Percepatan Program Kendaraan Listrik
Category: editorial October 16, 2019. Credit: Dhoni SetiawanDESCRIPTION (EN)
Acting Managing Director of PLN Sripeni Inten Cahyani (right) together with BMW Group Indonesia President Director Ramesh Divyanathan tried the BMW i3S electric car after the signing of the Cooperation Agreement for the Electric Vehicle Program in Jakarta, Wednesday (10/16/2019). The collaboration is part of the Energy Storage Flagship and Charging Station for the next 5 years, this program is expected to provide impetus so that the development of the domestic charging station industry can be realized optimally. BMW Indonesia continues to consistently make various efforts so that stakeholders can support and accelerate the presence of supporting ecosystems of electric vehicles for ease of use. JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 19
Plt Direktur Utama PLN Sripeni Inten Cahyani (kanan) bersama Presiden Direktur BMW Group Indonesia Ramesh Divyanathan mencoba mobil listrik BMW i3S usai penandatanganan Kerjasama Percepatan Program Kendaraan Listrik di Jakarta, Rabu (16/10/2019). Kerjasama tersebut merupakan bagian dari Flagship Penyimpanan Energi dan Charging Station untuk 5 tahun ke depan, program ini diharapkan mampu memberikan dorongan agar pembangunan industri charging station dalam negeri bisa direalisasikan secara optimal. BMW Indonesia terus konsisten melakukan beragam upaya agar pemangku kepentingan dapat mendukung dan mempercepat hadirnya ekosistem pendukung kendaraan listrik untuk kemudahan penggunanya. JP/Dhoni Setiawan/Adi/19