
File: Liquor Shop

Category: editorial October 17, 2019. Credit: Jerry Adiguna


Officers help buyers choose alcoholic drinks at one of the alcoholic beverage sales booths at one of the shopping centers in West Jakarta, Thursday, April 16, 2015. The Indonesian Retail Business Association (Aprindo) said it would continue to comply with government regulations regarding the prohibition of selling alcoholic drinks at minimarkets and Small retailers even though they are urging the government to re-evaluate the ban considering the impact of the regulation on the general public. - JP / Jerry Adiguna / Adi / 19


Petugas membantu pembeli memilih minuman mengandung alkohol di salah satu booth penjualan minuman berakohol di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di Jakarta Barat, Kamis, 16 April 2015. Asosiasi Pengusaha Retail Indonesia (Aprindo) menyatakan akan tetap mematuhi aturan pemerintah soal larangan penjualan minuman beralkohol di minimarket dan retail kecil walau pun mendesak pemerintah agar mengevaluasi kembali pelarangan tersebut mengingat dampak akibat aturan tersebut bagi masyarakat umum. - JP/ Jerry Adiguna/Adi/19


