Kasus Pembunuhan di Kupang
Category: editorial October 18, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The house where YS hanged himself is located in RT 03 / RW 01 Oebufu Sub-district, Oebobo Sub-district, Kupang City was given a police line, Monday (10/14). In this house also YS biological mother killed by his father and casted in the wall before it was revealed by the police in 2012. - JP / Djemi Amnifu / Adi / 19
Rumah yang menjadi tempat YS gantung diri yang terletak di RT 03/RW 01 Kelurahan Oebufu Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang diberi garis polisi, Senin (14/10). Di rumah ini juga ibu kandung YS dihabisi ayahnya dan dicor dalam tembok sebelum diungkap polisi tahun 2012 lalu. - JP/Djemi Amnifu/Adi/19