Pemulung Besi Tua
Category: editorial October 21, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Metal scrappers chopped up parts of old ships on two hectares of open yard at the end of Gang Belah Kapal, on the coast of Kalibaru in Cilincing, North Jakarta, on Friday, Oct. 18. Accidents often occurred as they are basking under the hot sun, ranging from blisters caused by the heat of the plates and cutting tools, stifled chests from inhaling heavy smokes and flakes of rust, to severe abrasions from being hit by a large iron plate. - JP/Budi Sutrisno/Adi/19
Pemulung logam memotong sebagian kapal tua di halaman terbuka seluas dua hektar di ujung Gang Belah Kapal, di pantai Kalibaru di Cilincing, Jakarta Utara, pada hari Jumat, 18 Oktober. Kecelakaan sering terjadi ketika mereka bekerja di bawah terik matahari, mulai dari lecet yang disebabkan oleh panasnya logam dan alat pemotong, dada yang tertahan karena menghirup asap tebal dan serpihan karat, hingga lecet parah karena terkena lempeng besi besar. - JP / Budi Sutrisno/Adi/19