Listrik Di Papua
Category: editorial October 22, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A Papuan woman passes by when a PLN officer replaces a power cord in a shopping area that has been burnt down due to the riots of September 23, 2019 in Pikhe, Hubikiat District, Jayawijaya Regency is still neglected, Tuesday (8/10/2019). - JP / Syofiardi Bachyul Jb / Adi / 19
Seorang perempuan Papua melintas saat petugas PLN mengganti kabel listrik di kawasan pertokoan yang hangus terbakar akibat kerusuhan 23 September 2019 di Pikhe, Distrik Hubikiat Kabupaten Jayawijaya masih terlantar, Selasa (8/10/2019). - JP/Syofiardi Bachyul Jb/Adi/19