Rumah Kentang (Angker)
Category: editorial October 23, 2019. Credit: Anggie AngelaDESCRIPTION (EN)
The house known as Rumah Potatoes is located on Jalan Darmawangsa 9, South Jakarta. The story goes that the house was haunted, other than that the house was used as a shooting location for the horror films with the title 'Potato House' as well. - JP / Anggie Angela / Adi / 19
Rumah yang dikenal dengan nama Rumah Kentang berlokasi di Jalan Darmawangsa 9, Jakarta Selatan. Beredar cerita bahwa rumah tersebut angker, selain itu rumah tersebut dijadikan lokasi shooting untuk film horror dengan judul 'Rumah Kentang' pula. - JP/Anggie Angela/Adi/19