Kopi Pinogu Gorontalo
Category: editorial October 24, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Coffee fruit in the tree: Pinogu coffee fruit with a hole is one of the characteristics of the fruit attacked by fruit borer Hypothenemous hampei. Pinogu is a remote area in Gorontalo. Located about 40 km from the entrance of Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park (TNBNW) in East Suwawa District. -JP / Defry Hamid / Adi / 19
Buah kopi di pohon: Buah kopi Pinogu yang berlubang adalah salah satu ciri buah itu terserang hama penggerek buah Hypothenemous hampei. Pinogu merupakan daerah terpencil yang ada di Gorontalo. Berjarak sekitar 40 km dari pintu masuk Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone (TNBNW) di Kecamatan Suwawa Timur. -JP/Defry Hamid/Adi/19