
Danau Sunter

Category: editorial October 25, 2019. Credit: P.J.Leo


Three workers from the Water Agency Sanitation Executing Unit - Department of the Environment, cleaned the moss and also picked up garbage that floated on the surface of Lake Sunter water, North Jakarta (Friday, 25 October 2019). Lake Sunter water conditions turn green during the long dry season at this time, one of the causes is the moss that blossomed in the lake due to the sun's rays that are too pungent of water, so that the nutrient content in the water turns into a number of small plants and the longer the larger becomes moss. Moss is a small plant that usually grows in groups to form a colony to spread widely in various places, can be on the ground, rocks or trees to the surface of the water. - JP / P.J.Leo / Adi/ 19


Tiga pekerja Unit Pelaksana Kebersihan Badan Air - Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, membersihkan lumut dan juga memungut sampah yang mengapung di permukaan air Danau Sunter, Jakarta Utara (Jum'at, 25 Oktober 2019). Kondisi air Danau Sunter menghijau saat musim kemarau yang panjang saat ini, salah satu penyebabnya adalah lumut yang bersemi di danau akibat pancaran sinar matahari yang terlalu menyengat air, sehingga kandungan nutrin dalam air tersebut berubah menjadi beberapa tumbuhan kecil dan semakin lama semakin besar menjadi lumut. Lumut merupakan tumbuhan kecil yang biasa tumbuh berkelompok membentuk koloni hingga menyebar luas diberbagai tempat, bisa di permukaan tanah, bebatuan maupun pepohonan hingga permukaan air. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/19


