
Menjaga Mimpi Dalang Muda

Category: editorial October 27, 2019. Credit: Aman Rochman


Suwarno (right) corrects the position of the head of the puppeteer Participants in the puppeteer parade performances from the Taruna Krida art scene. The theme of "Strengthening culture and Megapai Cinta" in the Arts Council building in Malang, East Java, Saturday (10/26). This performance was followed by 16 young puppeteers as a performance test for the event in Sangar for free. And the effort to regenerate puppetry arts and foster a love of local cultural arts as the identity of Indonesian generations from an early age. JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19


Suwarno (kanan) membetulkan posisi kepala Peserta dalang cilik dalam pagelaran parade dalang dari sangar kesenian Taruna Krida Rasa tema "Memperkokoh kebudayaan dan Megapai Cinta" di gedung Dewan kesenian Malang, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (26/10). Pagelaran ini diikuti 16 dalang muda sebagai uji pentas hasil belajar di sangar tersebut secara gratis. Serta Upaya regenerasi seni pedalangan dan menumbuhkan cinta seni budaya lokal sebagi identitas generasi Indonesia sejak dini.JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/19


