Pameran Foto Kunokini
Category: editorial October 27, 2019. Credit: SUHERDJOKODESCRIPTION (EN)
PHOTO DISCUSSION JOURNALISTICS - Dozens of photographers from various regions discuss journalistic photographs with senior photographers of Antara News Agency Motuloh at Monod Building Dephuiz, Kota Lama Semarang, Saturday night (10/26/2019). In the geduyng as many as 14 photo reporters Andtara News Office held a KUNOKINI photo exhibition at the Monod Building of the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice, Semarang Old City, 25 October - 1 November 2019. The photo was a journalistic photograph of culture in all its dynamics in the Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region. - JP / Suherdjoko / Adi / 19
DISKUSI FOTO JURNALISTIK - Puluhan fotografer dari berbagai daerah berdiskusi soalfoto jurnalistik bersama forografer senior Kantor Berita Antara Oscar Motuloh di Gedung Monod Dephuiz, Kota Lama Semarang, Sabtu malam (26/10/2019). Di geduyng itu sebanyak 14 pewarta foto Kantor Berita Andtara menggelar pameran foto KUNOKINI di Gedung Monod Dephuis, Kota Lama Semarang, 25 Oktober - 1 November 2019. Foto itu karya foto jurnalistik tentang budaya dalam segala dinamikanya di kawasan Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. - JP/Suherdjoko/Adi/19