"Indonesia's Talent: Gen Z, Industry Landscape and The Future of Work"
Category: editorial October 30, 2019. Credit: Fransiskus Narabeto KorohamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Najelaa Shihab, Co-Founder Your plan to attend the "Indonesia's Talent: Gen Z, Industry Landscape and The Future of Work" discussion at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, 30 October 2019. - JP / Narabeto Korohama / Adi / 19
Najelaa Shihab, Co-Founder Rencanamu menhadiri acara diskusi "Indonesia's Talent: Gen Z, Industry Landscape and The Future of Work" di Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, 30 Oktober 2019. - JP/Narabeto Korohama/Adi/19