Ocean Cleanup
Category: editorial November 01, 2019. Credit: DONNY FERNANDODESCRIPTION (EN)
Danone Aqua's Director of Sustainable Development, Karyanto Wibowo - President Director of Danone Aqua, Corine Tap - Founder and CEO of the Ocean Cleanup, Boyan Slat and the Netherlands' Big Two for Indonesia, Lambert Grijns when reviewing the 001 interceptor device for processing plastic waste in the Cengkareng region, Muara Kapuk , North Jakarta Thursday, 31 October 2019.- JP / Donny Fernando / Adi / 19
Direktur sustainable development danone aqua, karyanto wibowo - presiden direktur danone aqua, corine tap - founder and ceo the ocean cleanup, boyan slat dan dua besar belanda untuk indonesia, Lambert Grijns saat meninjau perangkat interceptor 001 untuk pengolahan sampah plastik di wilayah Cengkareng, Muara Kapuk, Jakarta Utara Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019. - JP/Donny Fernando/Adi/19