
File: Produksi Baja

Category: editorial November 01, 2019. Credit: R. Berto Wedhatama


Workers are painting steel frame wire for building construction before being hauled to a ship to be sent to Pontianak at Sunda Kelapa port, Jakarta, Monday 16 September 2013. Executive Director of the Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA), Edward Pinem said, the weakening trend in value Rupiah exchange rate hit national steel industry players where 70% of steel raw material in the form of scrap is still imported. Not only that, raw materials in the form of iron ore are also still widely supplied from abroad. - JP / Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19


Pekerja tengah mengecat kawat rangka baja untuk konstruksi bangunan sebelum di angku ke kapal untuk di kirim ke Pontianak di pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta, Senin 16 Sept 2013. Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA), Edward Pinem menuturkan, tren pelemahan nilai tukar rupiah memukul pelaku industri baja nasional di mana 70% bahan baku baja berupa scrap masih diimpor. Tak hanya itu, bahan baku berupa bijih besi juga masih banyak yang dipasok dari luar negeri. - JP/Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19


