File: Indofood Sukses Makmur
Category: editorial November 03, 2019. Credit: Wendra AjistyatamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
(L to R) Director of Indofood Sukses Makmur (ISM) & Indofood Consumer Branded Product (ICBP) Taufik Wiraatmadja, ISM & ICBP Director Thomas Tjhie, ISM President Director Anthony Salim, ISM Director Franciscus Wlirang and ISM & ICBP Director Anton Salim during the General Meeting Annual Shareholders and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in Jakarta, Friday, 3/6/2016. The meeting announced the dismissal of Graham L Pickles as the company commissioner was replaced by Christopher H Young. - JP / Wendra Ajistyatama / Adi / 19
(L to R) Direktur Indofood Sukses Makmur (ISM) & Indofood Consumer Branded Product (ICBP) Taufik Wiraatmadja, Direktur ISM & ICBP Thomas Tjhie, Presiden Direktur ISM Anthony Salim, Direktur ISM Franciscus Wlirang dan Direktur ISM & ICBP Anton Salim saat Rapat Umum Pemegang saham Tahunan dan Rapat Umum Pemwgang Saham Luar Biasa di Jakarta, Jumat, 3/6/2016. Rapat tersebut mengumumkan pemberhentian dengan hormat Graham L Pickles selaku komisaris perseroan digsntikan oleh Christopher H Young. - JP/Wendra Ajistyatama/Adi/19