File: Demo Rohingya
Category: editorial November 05, 2019. Credit: Bimo RaharjoDESCRIPTION (EN)
Demonstrations were held by the Islamic Students Association and Volunteer Action Fast Response in front of the Myanmar Embassy, on Friday, November 25, 2016. Protesters called for their aspirations about Muslims being treated unfairly in the Rohingya, they also urged that the government of the Republic of Indonesia expel representatives of Myanmar from Indonesia. - JP / Bimo Raharjo / Adi / 19
Unjuk rasa digelar oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam dan Relawan Aksi Cepat Tanggap di depan Kedutaan Besar Myanmar, pada Jumat, 25 November 2016. Pengunjuk rasa menyerukan aspirasi mereka mengenai umat muslim yang diperlakukan tidak adil di Rohingya, mereka juga mendesak agar pemerintah Republik Indonesia mengusir perwakilan Myanmar dari Indonesia. - JP/Bimo Raharjo/Adi/19