File: Tradisi Sungkem
Category: editorial November 07, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The tradition of Sungkeman in the context of the Lebaran holiday on Tuesday takes place at the Yogyakarta palace. The event was marked by the sungkeman (kiss the knees) of the palace servants to the Empress of the Sultan, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas. - JP / Tarko Sudiarno / Adi / 19
Tradisi sungkeman dalam rangka hari raya Lebaran, Selasa berlangsung di keraton Yogyakarta. Acara ini ditandai dengan sungkeman (cium lutut) para abdi dalem kepada Permaisuri Sultan, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas. - JP/Tarko Sudiarno/Adi/19