Car Free Day di Kelapa Gading
Category: editorial November 10, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Participants follow the instructions of the gymnastics instructor at the Yuzu x CFD at the Kelapa Gading jogging park, North Jakarta (11/10/19). Jogging park was chosen as the location of the event because the jogging park has become a favorite place for mothers who like gymnastics.-JP / Dionnasius Aditya / Adi / 19
Peserta mengikuti instruksi para instruktur senam pada acara Yuzu x CFD di taman jogging Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara (10/11/19). Taman jogging dipilih menjadi lokasi acara karena taman jogging sudah menjadi tempat favorit ibu-ibu yang suka senam.-JP / Dionnasius Aditya / Adi / 19