Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW di Keraton Yogyakarta
Category: editorial November 10, 2019. Credit: tarko sudiarnoDESCRIPTION (EN)
The Sultan's Guard troops were resting on the terrace of the Great Palace of the Yogyakarta Palace, Saturday night (9/11), when Sultan Hamengku Buwono X was following the Maulud ceremony of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (birth of the prophet) in the mosque. The anniversary of the birth of the Prophet was welcomed by the Sekaten tradition at the Yogyakarta Palace, namely by reading the history of the Prophet and the Garebeg Ceremony. - JP / Tarko Sudiarno / Adi / 19
Pasukan Penjaga Sultan ini sedang beristirahat di teras Masjid Besar Keraton Yogyakarta, Sabtu malam (9/11),ketika Sultan Hamengku Buwono X sedang mengikuti upacara Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW (kelahiran nabi) di dalam masjid. Peringatan kelahiran Nabi ini disambut dengan tradisi Sekaten di Keraton Yogyakarta, yakni dengan pembacaan riwayat Nabi dan Upacara Garebeg. - JP/Tarko Sudiarno/Adi/19