File: Cadar
Category: editorial November 11, 2019. Credit: Vincentius Jerry Adiguna CaswaraDESCRIPTION (EN)
Siti Ruqayyah binti Hasan Huseno, wife of the suspect in the criminal act of terrorism Umar Patek, was escorted by police officers when he was present at the East Jakarta District Court, to undergo trial with the agenda of reading a decision by the judges, Wednesday, January 4, 2011. The East Jakarta District Court convicted his wife of guilty Umar Patek, Siti Ruqayyah and sentenced her to 2 years 3 months in prison minus the detention period. The defendant is proven to have violated Article 266 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with article 55 paragraph 1 (1) of the Criminal Code and Article 266 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code jo article 55 paragraph 1 (1) of the Criminal Code concerning inserting false information into an authentic deed regarding something. - JP / Jerry Adiguna / Adi / 19
Siti Ruqayyah binti Hasan Huseno, istri tersangka tindak pidana terorisme Umar Patek, mendapat kawalan petugas polisi saat hadir di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur, untuk menjalani persidangan dengan agenda pembacaan keputusan oleh majelis hakim, Rabu, 4 Januari 2011. Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur memvonis bersalah istri Umar Patek, Siti Ruqayyah dan menjatuhkan hukuman selama 2 tahun 3 bulan penjara dikurangi masa penahanan. Terdakwa terbukti telah melanggar Pasal 266 ayat 1 KUHP jo pasal 55 ayat 1 (1) KUHP dan Pasal 266 ayat 2 KUHP jo pasal 55 ayat 1 (1) KUHP tentang memasukkan keterangan palsu ke dalam suatu akta otentik mengenai sesuatu hal. - JP/ Jerry Adiguna/Adi/19