Masih ada menolak Imunisasi
Category: editorial November 13, 2019. Credit: Aman rochmanDESCRIPTION (EN)
Health workers give diphtheria tetanus (DT) immunization to students and one guardian refused to immunize, during the 2019 School Children Immunization Month (BIAS) activity at SD Bandungrejosari 3, Malang, East Java, Wednesday (11/13/2019). There are 70 students in grades 1, 2, and 5 receiving the DT immunization at the school. As an advanced DT immunization for elementary school students equivalent. for the prevention of the spread and active immunity of the body against diphtheria and tetanus-causing bacteria. In October in Malang City there were 228 students and teachers, positive carrier Diphtheria to close school activities. JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19
Petugas kesehatan memberikan imunisasi difteri tetanus (DT) kepada siswa dan satu wali murit menolak imunisasi, saat kegiatan Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS) 2019 di SD Bandungrejosari 3, kota malang, Jawa Timur, Rabu (13/11/2019). Ada 70 siswa kelas 1, 2 dan 5 mendapat imunasisi DT disekolah tersebut. Sebagai imunisisi DT lanjutan bagi siswa SD sederajat. untuk pencegahan penyebaran dan kekebalan aktif tubuh terhadab bakteri penyebab difteri dan tetanus. Pada bulan Oktober di Kota malang terdapat 228 siswa dan guru, positip carrier Difteri hingga meliburkan aktifitas sekolah. JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/19