File: PT Indo Sawit Subur Riau
Category: editorial November 14, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Batches of oil palm fruit go up a conveyor belt at PT Indo Sawit Subur Riau's factory to be processed into crude palm oil (CPO) and kernels. Rising global demand has pushed up prices of CPO and the raw oil palm fruit, helping farmers cooperating with the factory earn as much as Rp 5 million each last month.-JP/Ricky Yudhistira/Adi/19
Batch buah kelapa sawit naik di ban berjalan di pabrik PT Indo Sawit Subur Riau untuk diolah menjadi minyak sawit mentah (CPO) dan kernel. Meningkatnya permintaan global telah mendorong harga CPO dan buah kelapa sawit mentah naik, Naikya permintaan membantu petani yang bekerja sama dengan pabrik menghasilkan penghasilan Rp5 juta setiap bulan terakhir.-JP / Ricky Yudhistira / Adi / 19