File: Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN)
Category: editorial November 15, 2019. Credit: RICKY YUDHISTIRADESCRIPTION (EN)
Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) employees talk about mortgages with customers in Jakarta. On March 1, 2015, BTN will cut the fixed rate of housing loans (KPR) by 0.75 percent or down 50-75 basis points for non-subsidized mortgages and 2 percent or 200 to 300 basis points for subsidized mortgages. At present, BTN mortgage rates are in the range of 11 percent to 13 percent. As for the first mortgage application, customers are still charged an interest rate of 9.25 percent.-JP / Ricky Yudhistira / Adi / 19
Pegawai Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) berbicara mengenai KPR dengan nasabah di Jakarta. Pada 1 Maret 2015, BTN akan memotong suku bunga tetap kredit pemilikan rumah (KPR) sebesar 0,75 persen atau turun 50-75 basis poin untuk KPR non-subsidi dan 2 persen atau 200 sampai 300 basis poin untuk KPR subsidi. Saat ini, bunga KPR BTN berada pada kisaran 11 persen hinggga 13 persen. Ada pun untuk pengajuan KPR pertama, nasabah tetap dikenakan suku bunga 9,25 persen.-JP/Ricky Yudhistira/Adi/19