File: Alat Berat
Category: editorial November 15, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Workers are checking the excavator files that are ready to be sent to the buyer, at the workshop and heavy equipment wirehouse owned by PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk. In Lemahabang, Cikarang - West Java. The growth of the heavy equipment industry is expected to recover in the second half of 2013. Non-mining sectors such as agriculture and forestry will be an alternative for sales of heavy equipment companies including PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk to increase sales figures. In 2013 Kobexindo targets sales of Rp1.3 trillion. - JP / R. Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19
Pekerja tengah memeriksa berkas excavator yang siap untuk dikirim ke pembeli, di workshop dan wirehouse alat berat milik PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk. Di Lemahabang, Cikarang - Jawa Barat. Pertumbuhan industri alat berat diperkirakan kembali pulih pada semester II tahun 2013. Sektor non-tambang seperti pertanian dan kehutanan akan menjadi alternatif bagi penjualan perusahaan alat berat termasuk PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk untuk meningkatkan angka penjualan. Tahun 2013 Kobexindo menargetkan angka penjualan sebesar Rp1,3 triliun. - JP/R. Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19