File: Penangkapan Terduga anggota jaringan ISIS Abu Jandal
Category: editorial November 27, 2019. Credit: Aman rochmanDESCRIPTION (EN)
Brimob members and police stand guard in front of a rented house suspected of terrorist ISIS network, during a search by densus 88 and poor police in Pagetan village, Singosari sub-district, Malang, East Java, Monday (19/6). The search was carried out after the arrest of Sharul Munir (YM) in the morning at the house by Detachment 88, he was allegedly involved in the ISIS terrorist network Abu Jandal group. -JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19
Anggota Brimob dan polisi berjaga di depan rumah kontrakan terduga teroris jaringan ISIS, saat proses penggeledahan oleh densus 88 dan Polres malang di desa Pagetan, Kecamatan Singosari, Malang, Jawa Timur, Senin (19/6). Aksi penggeledahan itu dilakukan setelah penangkapan Sharul Munir (YM) pagi hari di rumah tersebut oleh Densus 88, Dia diduga terlibat jaringan teroris ISIS kelompok Abu Jandal. -JP/ Aman Rochman /Adi/19