File: Morowali Industrial Park, Sulawesi Tengah
Category: editorial November 29, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Indonesian workers are taking a break during lunch time on Oct. 18 at the Morowali industrial park in Bahodopi district, Morowali regency, Central Sulawesi. As of October, the industrial estate had employed more than 15,000 local workers and around 2,500 Chinese workers. However, it provides the Chinese with separated mess and canteen, prohibit them to set foot out of the industrial complex and pay them far above their local peers earn. - JP/Viriya Paramita/Adi/19
Pekerja Indonesia sedang istirahat saat makan siang pada 18 Oktober di kawasan industri Morowali di distrik Bahodopi, Kabupaten Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah. Hingga Oktober, kawasan industri telah mempekerjakan lebih dari 15.000 pekerja lokal dan sekitar 2.500 pekerja Tiongkok. Namun, itu memberi orang Cina kekacauan dan kantin yang terpisah, melarang mereka menginjakkan kaki keluar dari kompleks industri dan membayar mereka jauh di atas penghasilan rekan-rekan lokal mereka. - JP / Viriya Paramita / Adi / 19