Ledakan Granat Asap di Monas
Category: editorial December 03, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Members of the National Police Headquarters Labfor collect evidence at the site of the explosion in the National Monument area, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/03/2019). Police said in the release, the explosion came from a smoke grenade that exploded and left two TNI personnel injured. - JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 19
Anggota Labfor Mabes Polri mengumpulkan barang bukti di lokasi ledakan di kawasan Monumen Nasional, Jakarta, Selasa (3/12/2019). Polisi mengatakan dalam rilisnya, ledakan berasal dari granat asap yang meledak dan menimbulkan dua personel TNI terluka. - JP/Dhoni Setiawan/Adi/19