File; Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kota Bandung
Category: editorial December 17, 2019. Credit: Arya DipaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Bandung Integrated Licensing Services Agency officials show facilities on the online licensing service website developed by the agency for the 24 licensing processes in Bandung, Thursday (5/28). The public can access this service through the website which contains information on the standard procedure for the length of the licensing process, fees, and requirements for filing permits. -JP / Arya Dipa / Adi / 19
Petugas Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kota Bandung memperlihatkan fasilitas dalam website layanan perizinan online yang dikembangkan lembaganya untuk proses 24 perizinan di Kota Bandung, Kamis (28/5). Masyarakat dapat mengakses layanan ini melalui website yang memuat informasi standar prosedur lamanya proses perizinan, biaya, serta persyaratan pengajuan izinnya. -JP/Arya Dipa/Adi/19