File: Pupuk Padi
Category: editorial January 05, 2020. Credit: Agus Maryono/korespondentDESCRIPTION (EN)
A farmer is spreading fertilizer in the middle of his green rice plants in Muntung Village, Kroya District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, on Wednesday. This farmer is one of the lucky ones in the dry season because his rice fields do not dry up because of the smooth irrigation. Thousands of hectares of rice fields in Central Java are now threatened with puso due to drought. - JP / Agus Maryono / Adi / 20
Seorang Petani sedang menebarkan pupuk di tengah tanamanan padinya yang menghijau di Desa Mujur, Kecamatan Kroya, Kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, hari Rabu. Petani ini termasuk yang beruntung di musim kemarau ini karna sawahnya tidak ikut mengering karna irigasi yang lancar. Ribuan Ha sawah di Jateng kini terancam puso akibat kemarau. - JP/Agus Maryono/Adi/20