File: Ahli Prosthesis dari India
Category: editorial January 14, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Experts from Jaipur Foot prosthesis manufacturer fit an amputee Thursday with a prosthetic leg at the Sadhu Vaswani Center in Sunter, North Jakarta. The non-profit organization, together with the India-based prosthesis manufacturer, has initiated a program to provide free prosthetic devices for amputees in the city. Since the program began on Feb. 24, 250 people have been fitted with new prosthetic limbs. The artificial limbs will last for about three to four years. -JP/Ricky Yudhistira/Adi/20
Para ahli dari produsen kaki prosthala Jaipur mengenakan kaki palsu kepada penyandang amputansi di Sadhu Vaswani Center di Sunter, Jakarta Utara. Organisasi nirlaba, bersama-sama dengan produsen prosthesis yang berbasis di India, telah memprakarsai program untuk menyediakan perangkat prostetik gratis untuk diamputasi di kota. Sejak program dimulai pada 24 Februari, 250 orang telah dilengkapi dengan kaki palsu baru. Anggota tubuh tiruan akan bertahan sekitar tiga hingga empat tahun. -JP / Ricky Yudhistira / Adi / 20