Harga Daun Bawang Prei Turun
Category: editorial January 19, 2020. Credit: Aman rochmanDESCRIPTION (EN)
Two farmers weighed the yield of Prei Onion leaves in their rice fields in the Termas village, Batu city, East Java, Friday (1/17/2020). The price of Bawang Prei leaves at the regional petan level dropped by Rp 4 thousand per kilo from Rp 6 thousand per kilo. Batu City is one of the centers of vegetable producers in East Java for markets to Jakarta, Balikpapan and Denpasar.-JP / Aman Rochman / adi / 20
Dua petani menimbang hasil panen daun Bawang Prei di areal persawahanya di kelurahan Termas, kota Batu, Jawa timur, Jumat (17/1/2020). Harga daun Bawang Prei di tingkat petan daerah tersebut turun Rp 4 ribu per kilo dari Rp 6 ribu perkilo. Kota batu salah satu sentra produsen sayur mayur di jawa timur untuk pasar ke Jakarta, Balikpapan dan Denpasar.-JP/ Aman Rochman/adi/20