Imlek 2020 di Semarang
Category: editorial January 25, 2020. Credit: SUHUERDJOKODESCRIPTION (EN)
BAKAR DUPA - Two citizens of Chinese descent are burning incense in front of Hiolo at a prayer to welcome the Chinese New Year 2020 at Tay Kak Sie Keleteng, Semarang, Friday night (1/24). - JP / Suherdjoko / Adi / 20
BAKAR DUPA - Dua warga keturunan China sedang membakar dupa di depan hiolo pada sembahyang menyambut Imlek 2020 di Keleteng Tay Kak Sie, Semarang,Jumat malam (24/1). - JP/Suherdjoko/Adi/20