File: Pameran Produksi Kulit & Sepatu
Category: editorial January 31, 2020. Credit: Jerry AdigunaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Leather products in the form of bags and shoes appear on display at one of the booths at the Indo Leather & Footwear 2014 exhibition at the JIE Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Friday, May 9, 2014. The exhibition was held by PT Kristamedia Pratama and participated by more than 150 Indonesian and foreign companies will continue until May 10, 2014. - JP / Jerry Adiguna / Adi / 20
Produk kulit berupa tas dan sepatu nampak terpajang pada salah satu stand di pameran Indo Leather & Footwear 2014 di JIE Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Jumat, 9 Mei 2014. Pameran yang digelar oleh PT Kristamedia Pratama dan diikuti oleh lebih dari 150 perusaahan Indonesia dan mancanegara tersebut akan berlangsung hingga tanggal 10 Mei 2014 mendatang. - JP/ Jerry Adiguna/Adi/20