Category: editorial February 04, 2020. Credit: Seto WardhanaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Director of Prevention and Control of Direct infectious Diseases Wiendra Woworuntu, and Head of Communication and public services Widyawati of the Ministry of Health speak to the press in a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, on February 4, 2020. During the press conference ministry of health shows activity on Natuna During the observation of Indonesia Citizens that was evacuated from Wuhan. - JP/Seto Wardhana/Adi/20
Direktur Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Infeksi Langsung Wiendra Woworuntu, dan Kepala Komunikasi dan layanan publik Widyawati dari Kementerian Kesehatan berbicara kepada pers saat konferensi pers di Jakarta, Selasa, 4 Februari 2020. Selama konferensi pers, Kementerian Kesehatan menunjukkan aktivitas di Natuna Selama pengamatan Warga Negara Indonesia yang dievakuasi dari Wuhan. - JP / Seto Wardhana / Adi / 20