File: Kampung Kelahiran Tokoh
Category: editorial February 05, 2020. Credit: Syofiardi Bachyul JbDESCRIPTION (EN)
In front of Nagari Koto Gadang, the village of heroes and national figures. Here the founder of the Hajj Agus Salim and Indonesia's first female journalist, Rohanna Koedoes was born. From here the parents of Sutan Sjahrir and Emil Salim came from. - JP / Syofiardi Bachyul Jb / Adi / 20
Di depan Nagari Koto Gadang, kampung para pahlawan dan tokoh nasional. Di sini pendiri bangsa Haji Agus Salim dan tokoh jurnalis perempuan pertama Indonesia, Rohanna Koedoes dilahirkan. Dari sini orangtua Sutan Sjahrir dan Emil Salim berasal. - JP/ Syofiardi Bachyul Jb/Adi/20