Dialog Presiden Singapura Halimah Yacob - UGM
Category: editorial February 06, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The President of Singapore, Halimah Yacob (left) and guided by the moderator of the UGM Vice Chancellor in Cooperation and Alumni, Plenary P. Sugarda (Right) is having a dialogue with 50 UGM students at the Senate Hall. In the Dialogue, Halimah shared experiences of the Singapore government in eradicating corruption and maintaining diversity, Thursday (02/06/2020). - JP / Bambang Muryanto / vja / 20
Presiden Singapura, Halimah Yacob (kiri) dan dipandu moderator Wakil Rektor UGM bidang Kerjasam dan Alumni, Paripurna P. Sugarda (Kanan) sedang berdialog dengan 50 mahasiswa UGM di Balai Senat. Dalam Dialog itu, Halimah berbagi pengalaman cara pemerintah Singapura memberantas korupsi dan menjaga keberagaman, Kamis (6/2/2020). - JP/Bambang Muryanto/vja/20