Buaya di Muara Sungai Brantas Kediri
Category: editorial February 10, 2020. Credit: Asip HasaniDESCRIPTION (EN)
A group of people fishing in the Brantas River in Ringinom Sub-District, Kediri City, East Java, Monday (02/10/2020). They were the first people to witness the presence of crocodiles on the Brantas River not far from where they were fishing.-JP / Asip Hasani / Adi / 20
Sekelompok orang memancing di Sungai Brantas di Kelurahan Ringinanom, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, Senin (10/2/2020). Mereka adalah orang pertama yang menyaksikan adanya buaya di Sungai Brantas tidak jauh dari lokasi mereka memancing.-JP/Asip Hasani/Adi/20