
Peragaan busana daur ulang Sampah

Category: editorial February 23, 2020. Credit: Aman Rochman


Sulistiya's 56-year-old grandmother poses with her grandchildren while participating in a creative recycling costume competition in the tourist area of Songgoriti, Kota Batu, East Java, Saturday (2/22/2020). The activity was attended by 50 participants from vocational high school students, the RW Garbage Bank group and the general public as an effort to increase public awareness on environmental hygiene, sorting plastic and organic waste and creatively processing plastic waste into more useful objects. - JP/Aman Rochman/vja/20


Nenek Sulistiya 56 tahun berpose bersama cucunya, saat mengikuti kompetisi kostum daur ulang sampah tema kreatif mengolah sampah rumah tangga di areal wisata Songgoriti, Kota batu, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (22/2/2020). Kegiatan tersebut diikuti dari 50 peserta dari kalangan pelajar SMK, kelompok Bank sampah RW dan masyarakat umum sebagai usaha kampaye peningkatan kepedulian masyarakat pada kebersihan lingkungan, memilah sampah plastik dan organik dan kreatif mengolah sampah plastik menjadi lebih benda bermanfaat. - JP/Aman Rochman/vja/20


