Banjir Badang di Sungai Sempur Sleman
Category: editorial February 23, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Students of SMP N 1 Turi who were victims of flash floods while down the Sempor River in Dukuh Hamlet were taken to the Turi Health Center. There are eight victims died and two others have not been found. -JP / Bambang Muryanto / Adi / 20
Murid SMP N 1 Turi yang menjadi korban banjir bandang saat menyusuri Sungai Sempor di Dusun Dukuh dibawa ke Puskesmas Turi. Ada delapan korban meninggal dan dua lainnya belum ditemukan. -JP/Bambang Muryanto/Adi/20