Banjir Badang di Sungai Sempur Sleman
Category: editorial February 23, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The Director of the Protection of Natural Disaster Victims, Ministry of Social Affairs, Rachmat Koesnadi, visited one of Turi's 1N junior high school students, Tita Vhasya Pradita, being treated at the Turi Community Health Center. Tita was rescued by local residents. -JP / Bambang Muryanto / Adi / 20
Direktur Perlindungan Korban Bencana Alam, Kementrian Sosial, Rachmat Koesnadi mengunjungi salah satu murid SMP N 1 Turi, Tita Vhasya Pradita sedang dirawat di Puskesmas Turi. Tita diselamatkan oleh warga setempat. -JP/Bambang Muryanto/adi/20