Banjir Badang Sungai Sempor Sleman Yogyakarta
Category: editorial February 23, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
SAR officers removed the body from the ambulance at the Turi Health Center. Up to now eight students of SMP N 1 Turi have been killed and two have not been found as a result of flooding while they were crossing the Sempor River during a scouting activity. - JP / Bambang Muryanto / Adi / 20
Petugas SAR mengeluarkan jenazah dari ambulan di Puskesmas Turi. Hingga kini ada delapan murid SMP N 1 Turi yang tewas dan dua belum ditemukan akibat banjir saat mereka menyusuri Sungai Sempor dalam kegiatan pramuka, susur sungai. - JP/Bambang Muryanto/adi/20