Banjir Badang Sungai Sempor Sleman Yogyakarta
Category: editorial February 23, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The search team found seven students of SMP N 1 Turi, Sleman Regency killed due to being swept away by the flood when they were doing the Sempor River along. The search team has found seven dead and three more are still being sought," said Head of the Yogyakarta Special Region National Agency (Basarnas DIY), L Wahyu Efendi, told reporters on Saturday (22/2). As is known, as many as 249 students from Turi 1 Junior High School held scout activities. They followed the Sempor River with the starting point of the outbound location of the Sempor Valley in the Hamlet and walked north. Wahyu explained that up to now there are 853 search teams divided into four groups to look for victims who have not been found. The location of the search is carried out along the river downstream up to 21 kilometers. - JP / Bambang Muryanto / Adi / 20
Tim pencari telah menemukan tujuh siswa SMP N 1 Turi, Kabupaten Sleman tewas akibat tersapu banjir saat mereka melakukan kegiatan susur Sungai Sempor. Tim pencari sudah menemukan tujuh korban meninggal dan tiga orang lagi masih dicari," ujar Kepala Badan Sar Nasional Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Basarnas DIY), L Wahyu Efendi kepada wartawan, Sabtu (22/2). Seperti diketahui, sebanyak 249 murid SMP Negeri 1 Turi mengadakan kwgiatan pramuka. Mereka menyusuri Sungai Sempor dengan titik start lokasi outbond Lembah Sempor di Dusun Dukuh dan berjalan ke arah utara. Wahyu menjelaskan hingga saat ini ada 853 orang tim pencari yang dibagi dalam empat kelompok untuk mencari korban yang belum ditemukan. Jarak lokasi pencarian dilakukan di sepanjang sungai ke arah hilir hingga sejauh 21 kilometer. - JP/Bambang Muryanto/Adi/20