Category: editorial March 03, 2020. Credit: Aman RochmanDESCRIPTION (EN)
Teachers and third grade elementary school students of SDN 1 Cluring, East Java using traditional clothing with Gajah Oling batik motifs, every Tuesday, March 3. 2020. The local government requires students and teachers to dress in the traditional customs and Banyuwangi motifs which are produced by local SMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). As an effort to familiarize and introduce the local arts and culture early age, as well as moving the economic wheels of batik and confection businesses. JP/ Aman Rochman/sas/20
guru dan siswa kelas III sekolah dasar menggunakan busana adat dengan motif batik Gajah Oling, seminggu sekali pada hari selasa, saat proses belajar mengajar di SDN 1 Cluring, Jawa Timur, Selasa (3/3/2020). Pemerintah daerah setempat mewajibkan siswa dan guru berbusana adat dan motif khas Banyuwangi produksi UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil Menengah) lokal. Sebagai upaya membiasakan dan mengenalkan seni budaya lokal sejak dini, serta mengerakan roda ekonomi pelaku usaha Batik dan konfeksi. JP/ Aman Rochman/sas/20