
Pulau Galang

Category: editorial March 05, 2020. Credit:


The technical team from the Ministry of PUPR was seen discussing about the sketch of the hospital building, Thursday (05/03/2020). The TNI Commander reviewed the location of the former Vietnamese camp refugee camp on Galang Island, Batam, Riau Islands, Wednesday (03/04). The government plans to rehabilitate the former hospital building for Vietnamese refugees in the camp to become a Special Hospital for patients infected with Covid-19 with a capacity of 1,000 patients. The operation of the hospital is carried out within one month. JP / Fadli / Adi / 20


Tim teknis dari Kementerian PUPR tampak berdiskusi membahas mengenai sketsa bangunan rumah sakit, Kamis (05/03/2020). Panglima TNI meninjau lokasi bekas pengungsian camp Vietnam di Pulau Galang, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Rabu (04/03). Pemerintah berencanakan merehabilitasi total bangunan bekas bangunan rumah sakit untuk pengungsi Vietnam di camp tersebut untuk dijadikan Rumah Sakit Khusus pasien yang terjangkit Covid-19 dengan kapasitas 1.000 orang pasien. Pengoperasian rumah sakit itu dilakukan dalam waktu satu bulan kedepan.-JP/Fadli/Adi/20


