Festival Belimbing
Category: editorial March 10, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Visitor choose star fruit which is sold at starfruit festival events in City Hall, Depok, West Java, Tuesday (10/3/2020). The Department of Food Security, Agriculture, and Fisheries (DKP3) Depok held a starfruit festival event as a promotion of farmers' food crops in the city of Depok.-JP / Riandra Alfiandy / Adi / 20
Pembeli memilih belimbing yang dijual pada acara festival belimbing di Balaikota, Depok, Jawa Barat, Selasa (10/3/2020). Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Pertanian, dan Perikanan (DKP3) Depok menggelar acara festival belimbing sebagai promosi hasil tanaman pangan petani Kota Depok.-JP/Riand Alfiandy/Adi/20