Menikmati Libur Wabah Corona
Category: editorial March 16, 2020. Credit: Aman RochmanDESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of Passengers are waiting for the departure of the Tawang Alun train train route Malang - Banyuwangi PP at Baru Station, Kota Malang, East Java, Monday (3/16/2020). The community took advantage of the school holiday impact of the corona virus outbreak (covid-19) for 14 days. to return to their hometowns amid the many restrictions on public interaction space by the regional government. As an effort to prevent the spread of corona virus outbreak. JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 20
Sejumlah Penumpang menunggu keberangkatan kereta api KA Tawang Alun rute Malang - Banyuwangi PP di stasiun Baru Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Senin (16/3/2020). Masyarakat memafaatkan masa libur sekolah dampak wabah virus corona (covid-19) selama 14 hari. untuk pulang ke kampung halaman ditengah banyaknya pembatasan ruang interasi publik oleh pemerintah daerah. Sebagai upanya pencegahan meluasnya wabah virus corona. JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/20